Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Winners and Losers

We have been talking about success and failure, why there are haves and  have-nots. I wrote a piece about billionaires where I summarized  the standard sociological explanation of success and failure: Individual success and failure are much more the result of advantage, luck and social circumstances than of individual  effort and aptitudes. This is the correct explanation, even though most people still reject it.

For over a century, the social sciences have been making progress in answering this question. But most lay people continue to reject what psychology, sociology, political science, economics and  the other social sciences have discovered. Lay people continue to be guided by beliefs based on their  own experiences, wrong as those beliefs are. It is as if we continued to believe that the earth is flat because it clearly appears to be so.

Social inequality is ubiquitous. Wherever we act and look - at work, at school, in sports, in music, in social relationships, in the way we live and the things we consume, some people are  “better” than others. Some people are leaders and others are followers. Some people give  orders and others obey. Wherever you are, there is hierarchy.

This is true at the macro-level and it is true within your family, at office parties, everywhere. Max Weber gave the best tripartite model of hierarchy.  It has three dimensions: (1) Class, (3) Status and (3) Power. Some people have (1) more money than others,  (2) enjoy more respect and (3) give the orders.

We accept hierarchy for one reason: Because by and large, we feel  that those who are above us are “better” than we are.  I say by and large. We  gripe a little bit about incompetent bureaucrats, politicians, professors, etc.  Many of us are fed up with middle-aged white men giving most of the order, etc.  But on the whole, we accept the social order, which says: People who are rich, famous and  in positions of authority are there because they are good  at what they do.  This is  how we feel about  physicians (particularly specialists), famous stars, PhD’s and other “experts,” university presidents, corporate executives, you name it.

I submit to you that this relationship should be reversed: Good performance is the consequence  of wealth, prestige and power  - in other words, of privilege.

An example from my own neck of the woods -  the academic marketplace - will serve as model  for  my thesis:

When people like me complete their PhD and begin to look for a professorship, there is a triage: Some of us - call it  group A -  end up at places like  Harvard and  Berkeley, whereas  others - group B -   land a job  at mediocre state universities or community colleges.

Ten years later, group A will have produced a significant amount of published research and climbed up the academic prestige and monetary ladder. Group B will not.

The conventional wisdom is that  group A was selected  out of grad school on the basis  of its more promising potential, i.e. its superior capabilities.

In truth, the only significant initial  difference between the two groups is this:

●    Group A landed academic positions  requiring very little teaching, with lavish assistance and research grants, whereas group B was burdened by a four-times larger teaching load, and with hardly any assistance or research support.

And many other differences/advantages  follow:

●    Great professional networks and connections available to group A, but not to group B.

●    On the job training: After ten years  of two such different trajectories, group A  of course  has “better”  research skills and  is  more up on the latest science  than group B.  For ten years, group A  has been conducting and publishing research, participating  in conferences and  networking with other experts. Meanwhile, group B has been teaching remedial English and algebra to high-school graduates. Its scientific skills and knowledge have atrophied.

●    Group A has developed the self-confidence, self-esteem and recognition (positive feedback) which contribute to better performance.

What you have here, as everywhere, is the self-fulfilling prophecy. Nothing succeeds like success. This example from my own experience applies everywhere. 

Of course there are exceptions. There are Horatio Alger stories. I’m just finishing Malcolm Gladwell’s book David and Goliath.  It’s  about  underdog success stories. I don’t want to rain on your parade if you have achieved a lot despite the odds.  I have, too.  But trust me: In general, failure begets  failure and success begets success.

So the question is: If injustice  - for that’s what I am talking about -  is the inherent natural order,  do we accept this and  submit to it? No, we do not: As human beings endowed with free will, we can choose to correct it. leave comment here

 © Tom Kando 2013


Mike said...

I certainly agree with you. Many times it is who you know and not what you know.

drtaxsacto said...

I won't engage on the nonsense about the role of luck versus effort in success. There is no serious scholarship about those issues because it would be impossible to quantify what luck is and what effort is and what their relative values represent. Obviously, luck plays a part in much of life. But so does effort.

But I will about the relative position of academics. For more than four decades I worked with some of the most prestigious universities and colleges in the US. Young assistant professors at those places were required to teach a lot more than their senior colleagues (and indeed even as full professors taught more than at flagship publics). At the same time, compared to their counterparts in state universities, they were expected to advise/mentor students more closely, publish lots of research in journals (although from my view a lot of the journal literature is mostly bunk), and participate in lots of community activities. When they came up for tenure - all of those things were counted in the decisions. At my daughter's college (one of the Claremonts) all professors but especially the Assistants were expected to show up at things like family weekend to mingle with the parents.

Steve said...

On the fate of Professors,

With about 1/2 of college courses now taught by the emerging third class of faculty - adjunct professors, now does this even more mirrors our society at large.

Could you say we have the tenure-track minority representing say the top 10% or 20%, with the adjuncts representing an underclass (there are few avenues in Academic insts for their lot to improve. I guess everyone else would make up some kind of middle class.

drtaxsacto said...

Let's get some numbers here - according to the AFT (hardly an unbiased source) in fall 2011 less than 31% of all faculty were non-tenure track - with more than 50% in tenured positions - that has grown marginally in the last dozen years ( - The vast majority of those are at the lecturer or instructor level. Isn't that as it should be?

In what other professions would you want 90% of the most senior practitioners in permanent positions? (Which is what the AFT numbers show for the ranks of full professors - BTW I hold an adjunct position at a California institution as a full professor and when it was offered I turned down the opportunity to become a tenure track employee).

Don said...

Hey Tom, this was very interesting and I think correct. The same orders of hierarchy extend into elective politics as well.

Don said...

I didn't mean to send that so quickly. While money can certainly get you elected at almost any level, there are thousands of people across the nation who are in office from grassroots efforts. Of course all of these people think they have a shot at the big time, but to do that they will need lots of money, so maybe that's what it comes back after all.

Sent from my iPhone

Carol Anita Ryan said...

Oh Tom, you do boldly take up controversies. And, I so appreciate it. Luck and hard work help, but so does privilege, in one's success.

Tom Kando said...

Thank you all for your great comments.

I appreciate Mike’s words, as well as Steve’s correct statements about the academic market place, and Don’s extrapolation into to the world of politics and the role of money.

Jonathan gets huffy, as he often tends to do, and he misunderstands, as he sometimes does:

These brief articles of mine are neither “nonsense,” nor “serious scholarship.”

Carol Anita’s brief commentary beautifully sums up my intent: To challenge people’s mind with interesting and controversial issues, and to do so at a relatively intelligent level. It appears to be working, because a very high proportion of the comments I get are by highly educated and intelligent people. I get very few stupid comments. This is very gratifying. And yes, much of what I write is SUPPOSED to be somewhat uncomfortable. If some people (e.g. Jonathan) are bothered, that’s a good sign.

I am not going to go around and around about whether professors/teachers are rewarded excessively - through such things as tenure, cushy jobs and an absence of accountability (the conservative position), or insufficiently (the teachers unions’ position), but to say that the assault on teachers (and on public servants in general) is well under way (witness what’s currently going on in North Carolina and elsewhere...)

My point in this article is to illustrate an INTERNAL hierarchy within academia. Jonathan isn’t adding anything to that point.

TB Maxwell said...

I come late to this discussion.
I find it most interesting. By the time I got to the bottom of the comments, I recalled a book I read on self-esteem. I doubt that anyone who gets into the world of academia has very low self-esteem. Having worked in elementary education, I recall a few incidents that are somewhat relevant on what students might say. It comes down to enjoying your subject matter, engaging curious minds, and caring about the learner. If any instructor fills these, I would guess that they are successful though maybe not rich and famous, unless they are also lucky.

Scott said...

Nice job!

Don said...

John Doolittle is a great case in point. He beat Al Rodda, a very decent assemblyman, by scaring the crap out of people regarding crime, then went from CA to DC and became an even bigger idiot there for way too many years.

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