The image of the American West is known all over the world, with its vast one open spaces, where the buffalo used to roam, where much of the land is not yet touched by human hands. You can tell how much of this country is still wild when you fly cross-country, when hours go by before you see a town or a road. It is truly a magnificent country.
But all this beauty is now being threatened. Although it is not new, the movement to push the federal government to hand over to the states millions of acres of public land is growing **. The recent Bundy Militia Standoff in Oregon, which got out of hand and resulted in the death of Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum, is a good example of how some Americans hate public land.
The Federal Government owns 28% percent of the land area of the United States. It used to own all of it, of course, when it was acquired in purchases (the Louisiana Purchase), conquests (Mexican Cession), or simply taken from the Native Indians. Read more...